Finally, the Perfect Use for the ALEXA Mini: Attaching It to a Selfie Stick

Sure, it may have been designed to bring ALEXA image quality to UAVs and tight spaces, but one brave pioneer of cinema has discovered the greatest use of the ALEXA Mini yet. The selfie stick.

I jest, of course. This test is pure silliness for silliness’ sake. With that said, shots like this are nothing new. In fact, various incarnations of the Snorricam (made famous by Requiem for a Dream) have been achieving these warped first person perspectives for decades. Though Snorricam shots are not technically selfies because they lack the element of self-awareness, the effect is similar.

Here’s a fantastic supercut from Jacob T. Swinney, which was commissioned for Slate, that compiles the greatest Snorricam shots in cinema history.

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