Some of the set pieces in the film are pretty wild, and every time I see these kinds of BTS reels it makes me appreciate just how much work and choreography it takes to create action scenes, which so often on screen end up being half as exciting as they are in these clips.
And here’s the trailer for the film if you haven’t seen it:
What’s interesting is that the film, which opens this weekend, only cost $50 million. While not insignificant, it’s a budget that’s far closer to his first film District 9 than to the $115 million that Elysium reportedly cost. Regardless of the reviews, it’s clear that Blomkamp is able to push the dollar a bit further, and he’s been able to create some exciting worlds on budgets that are half of what they might be for other Hollywood directors.
It will be interesting to see what Blomkamp does with the Alien franchise, especially considering the rich worlds he’s been able to bring to life.