What Filmmakers & Actors Can Learn from Kevin Spacey’s Off-Sounding Accent in ‘House of Cards’

While Kevin Spacey gets some of the accent right, he sounds less like people actually do in the south these days. Here’s Vox on that:

There are a couple of distinct features that make Underwood “sound” Southern to some people. One of these traits is his “R-lessness,” which an expert would call his “non-rhoticity.” “This is when r at the ends of syllables is pronounced like a vowel or deleted, so that car and cars sound like cah and cahs,” Becker explained to me. You can hear it in the way Underwood says words like “uninformed” and “careless.”

This is one of the features that Thomas considers a stereotypical Southern feature. It sounds the way people think Southerners sound, but it’s actually a feature that is disappearing in Southern speech. “R-lessness was a traditional Southern feature — although not everywhere in the South — it was most prevalent in areas where the plantation culture had pre-dominated at one time before the Civil War,” Thomas told me, explaining that non-rhoticity had once been considered prestigious.

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If the Power Rangers Grew Up & Did a Bunch of Drugs, This is What You’d Get

While the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers television show was pretty tame, the new “bootleg” fan film directed by commercial and music video director Joseph Kahn is anything but (he also directed the features Detention in 2011 and Torque in 2004). You may have already seen the film, but if you haven’t, and haven’t followed the saga, the Saban company, who owns the rights to Power Rangers, briefly took down the short with a DMCA copyright notice.

The film, produced by Adi Shankar — who’s produced some major Hollywood films along with a few fan films, or bootlegs as he calls them — is now back online with a new disclaimer. There are two versions of the film, a harder cut on Vimeo with more blood and brief nudity, and a softer cut on YouTube that doesn’t contain any nudity and should be more safe for work. We’ve also got some terrific BTS videos, including a VFX breakdown, and some info from Kahn about why he decided to make the film and what happened with Saban.

First, here are both versions of the short, simply titled Power/Rangers (first is the NSFW cut, followed by the softer cut):

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The Key is Control: Learn How to Sculpt Hard Light to Add More Dimension & Contrast

Light is a great storyteller, but if we don’t know how to utilize it to its full potential, the opportunity to tell more robust, dimensional stories can be missed.

Cinematographer Shane Hurlbut shares some advanced lighting techniques for adding dimension to a scene by shaping hard light. In the tutorial below, Hurlbut shows us how to mold and manipulate light from a 1K fresnel to create a window pattern against a wall, creating a lot of contrast, a lot of dimension, and a lot more character. Check it out below:

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To All of You Indie Filmmakers with Day Jobs, This Video is Like a Nice, Warm Hug

You have dreams of being able to quit your day job and make art full-time? These artists did, too.

Before becoming professional creatives, individuals like James Franco, Marielle Heller, and Common worked jobs that we not so artsy. However, like the vast majority of us, they managed to balance work and creativity (if you’re lucky, your work is creative) to bring something to show to the world — an act Selma director Ava DuVernay describes as “risky”.

The Sundance Film Festival interviewed a handful of filmmakers and visual artists and asked them about their past day jobs as well as the risks of being an independent artist. You can see their responses below.

Trying to make a living as a filmmaker is risky enough, but being an independent filmmaker increases that risk exponentially. It’s rare that you encounter an indie artist who doesn’t do commercial work on the side, or who doesn’t work at the mall to make rent (or most of it, at least), or who doesn’t get $7.63 in gas, because that’s all the change they had under their seat. The struggle is real, people.

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What does “The Medium is the Message” Mean?

Is the form that you receive a message as significant as the message itself? Marshall McLuhan argued that throughout history what has been communicated has been less important than the particular medium through which people communicate. The technology that transfers the message changes us and changes society, the individual, the family, work, leisure and more.


Watch 10 Minutes of Intense BTS Footage from Neill Blomkamp’s ‘Chappie’

Some of the set pieces in the film are pretty wild, and every time I see these kinds of BTS reels it makes me appreciate just how much work and choreography it takes to create action scenes, which so often on screen end up being half as exciting as they are in these clips.

And here’s the trailer for the film if you haven’t seen it:

What’s interesting is that the film, which opens this weekend, only cost $50 million. While not insignificant, it’s a budget that’s far closer to his first film District 9 than to the $115 million that Elysium reportedly cost. Regardless of the reviews, it’s clear that Blomkamp is able to push the dollar a bit further, and he’s been able to create some exciting worlds on budgets that are half of what they might be for other Hollywood directors.

It will be interesting to see what Blomkamp does with the Alien franchise, especially considering the rich worlds he’s been able to bring to life.

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The Power of Shaping Hard Light

 demonstrates how to shape hard light by creating a window pattern in the background to create depth

Creating Depth and Dimension

I might seem like a broken record on how important light control is, but I will continue to say it because I believe in this concept so strongly. Shaping light can add a 3D quality to your image. In this video, I will show you how you can create a window pattern in your background to create that depth. This cannot be done with just firing a light through some pieces of tape. It has to be controlled and manicured so that the contrast and shadow are obtained in a way that gives you that wonderful three dimensional quality.

Shane Hurlbut | Read the Full Article


American Werewolf in London Makeup Effects Artist Interview

Makeup FX master Tom Hester (An American Werewolf in London, Thriller, Shrek) discusses his storied career with fellow FX artist Norman Cabrera (The Walking Dead, Hellboy II, From Dusk Till Dawn) — From his early years as one of Makeup FX legend Rick Baker’s key team members to his iconic character design work for the blockbuster Shrek films.
